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TDCD Sponsorship Course
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Tres Dias Con Dios is a chartered community of Tres Dias International, a non-profit, nondenominational, servant-led ministry. Our community sponsors weekend retreats for Spanish-speaking individuals that foster inner healing, personal growth, and a deeper relationship with God. Attendees become healthy leaders who, in turn, support their respective pastors in their local congregations. The Tres Dias weekend enables Hispanic people to help take Tres Dias back to their community, family, and friends. By sponsoring a candidate, you will bless individuals and the entire family.
Your role as a sponsor is essential during the different facets of the weekend, and your involvement has a significant impact on these families. This quiz highlights your responsibilities as a sponsor.
Before you begin the quiz, thank you for participating in this experience.
Module 1
IWelcome to the Tres Dias con Dios Sponsorship Course. THANK YOU for contemplating sponsoring! You will be blessed and you will be a blessing to others by reading through this short tutorial on sponsoring and following God's wisdom when you sponsor. Sponsorship is a great blessing and a great responsibility, this course is designed to take you through those responsibilities and prepare you for this step. Remember God will put those who need to be sponsored for a Tres Dias Weekend on your heart, pray and listen to HIS direction.
TDCD Sponsorship Course
As a sponsor, I pledge that I will:
Pray for my guest and their family
Arrange for their transportation as required for the weekend
Provide any needed support for their family in their absence
Encourage their participation in Fourth Day activities
Bring them to our next Secuela
Fulfill all other weekend commitments to my guest
Highly recommended blessings!
Here are some more ways you can bless your guest!
Introduce your guest to members of the Community on Thursday evening as everyone gathers
Stay for the Sponsor communion and announcements after the guests go to the reception. This is a special time when you can pray for your guest with other members of the Community
Help with your guest’s concerns at home while they are on the Weekend. Babysit, transport a child to a school, or take them a meal.
Attend Serenade, unless your spouse is a guest. You will be notified what time you should arrive at the camp to practice
Bring as many Pescadores as you can to Closing with you. (If your spouse is a guest, you are most welcome to attend - bring the kids if you'd like!)
Again, make sure your guest gets home safely!
Required blessings!
You will be notified where and what time to bring your guest for Thursday night Send-off
If you cannot bring them to Send-off, make arrangements with another Pescador to bring them, preferably someone they know. They may not drive themselves to the Send-off location
Make sure your guest’s family has the emergency contact information
Attend Closing at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Make sure your “new Pescador” has a way home on Sunday after Closing
Continue to pray frequently for your guest during the Weekend; also pray for their family, the other guests, and the team
These are your required responsibilities for the Weekend
It is important that the candidate is supported throughout all phases of the weekend. These questions emphasize some of the items the sponsor needs to be aware of.
Who to sponsor
A person I just met
Non-believer friend
A close personal Christian friend
I have a friend that is going through some difficult times and think a Tres Dias experience is just what they need. Should I sponsor this individual?
I have a friend I am thinking about sponsoring. How do I know if sponsoring this person is something I should do?
Pray, seeking guidance.
Ask another friend if they think the person should attend.
Consult a member of the local Secretariat.
Roll a pair of dice. If the number is even, sponsor the individual.
You are discussing the possibility of your friend attending the upcomig weekend. She asks what goes on during the weekend. You should say?
It's a secret!
There will be 5 talks every day, great worship, meaningful communion, fun, and fellowship.
Nothing, it's very relaxing.
The weekend is scheduled to begin in three months. When should I submit the application?
Find out who the rector is and decide if this is the appropriate weekend for them to attend.
Wait until two weeks before the weekend.
Just bring them to send-off and register them at the camp.
My candidate told me someone called and said they have been selected to attend the upcoming weekend. That means we are set to go and do not have to do anything else besides showing up at send-off.
The person I am thinking about sponsoring is out of work. Can I get the weekend fee dropped?
Who pays the $10 registration fee?
The fee can be waived if the candidate is from out of state.
Who is responsible for paying the $120 weekend fee?
The sponsor should discuss payment of the $120 weekend fee with the candidate.
If married, the candidate's spouse will palanca the weekend fee.
What is the best way to pay the $120 weekend fee?
Mail a check to the TDCD Treasurer.
Bring $60 cash to the candidate check-in and request a scholarship form.
You can use Venmo, PayPal, check, or cash to pay for the weekend.
Who is responsible for providing Palanca letters to the candidate?
If married, the candidates spouse should collect Palanca letters for the Sunday bag.
Each team member will write a Palanca letter to each candidate for the Sunday bag.
If the candidate is single, they will supply a list of people to contact to write Palanca letters.
The sponsor is responsible for collecting Palanca letters for their candidate.
Palanca letters should be mailed to the candidate using the USPS.
The weekend is designed to be fun and engage the candidates through a variety of media. Therefore, the candidate is encouraged to bring cell phones, radios, tablets, laptop computers, and earbuds to use during breaks.
Module 3 - Weekend Registration and Opening
Tres Dias weekends are scheduled as a continuous block of 72 hours. The rector has options on several weekend events that impact the schedule. However, three times are critical and must be as close to as scheduled as possible: opening/send-off, serenade, and closing. This is due to the community's involvement.
Check-in and registration is from 6:00 to 6:30 PM on the Thursday of the weekend. Who is responsible for getting the candidate to the camp?
Uber, Lyft, or local taxi
If married, the candidate's spouse.
The weekend (send-off) starts on Thursday at:
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Traffic delays are to be expected. As long as you make a good-faith effort to get the candidate to the camp on time, it is okay to be late checking in.
It depends on how long the kitchen can keep the food warm.
It is important for the candidate to bring their luggage to registration to ensure the proper tags are attached. The team will deliver the luggage to the correct dormitory room based on these tags and the available bed space in each room.
If the sponsor is going to pay only part of the weekend fee, when is the best time to discuss the payment with the candidate?
When the candidate is picked up by the sponsor.
On the way to the camp.
While in line waiting to register.
When discussing the possibility of the candidate attending the weekend.
The public is invited to the send-off ceremony. The more people there are, the louder the encouragement for the candidates starting the weekend will be.
Closing starts on Sunday at:
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Module 4 - During the weekend
As a sponsor, there are things you are responsible for once the weekend is underway.
Once the weekend is underway, you have completed your obligation as a sponsor until you pick the candidate up at closing.
If your candidate is married, you should give them the camp's telephone number just in case there is an emergency.
Candidates are allowed to leave the camp twice each day.
If the candidate has a family, you should let them know when to expect them back home.
Module 5 - Serenade
Serenade is generally a highlight of the weekend. While not a secret, it should be regarded as a "surprise."
Serenade is an opportunity to surprise the candidates. They will be looking for familiar faces among the singers. As a sponsor, you should plan on attending and blessing the candidates by singing songs to our Lord.
Tres Dias policy does not allow spouses of candidates to attend Serenade.
A boyfriend/girlfriend of the candidate may not attend the serenade.
Module 6 - Closing
Closing is the grand finale of the weekend, and it is the time for the candidates to tell the community what they have gained from it.
You should arrive at the camp with enough time to retrieve your candidate’s belongings, transport them to your vehicle, and enter the auditorium before the closing ceremony begins.
If your candidate is married and the spouse has yet to attend a weekend, what should you do with the extra palanca from the weekend?
Leave it on the stage in the auditorium.
Offer to “store” it until after the spouse has attended a weekend.
On the way to the candidate’s home, eat as much as possible and toss the extra.
Drive around to the dumpster and make a “deposit.”
It is okay for a new Pescadore to tell their spouse about the rollos and the names of the individuals who gave them, as long as they know the person.
Tres Dias is such a life-changing experience that involving the entire family in closing is essential. The candidate’s children should be invited to closing to benefit from hearing what happened to change the parent.
Module 7 - Fourth Day
The candidate's fourth-day begins at the end of closing. It is important to continue supporting your new Pescadore following the weekend.
As a sponsor, your responsibilities are over once you get the candidate home.
Reunion Groups are a way to help the new Pescadore navigate their Fourth Day.
The TDCD community celebrates following each weekend. You should encourage the new Pescadore to attend the celebrations.
As the sponsor, it is important for you to look for ways to help your Pescadore continue their Christian growth.
De Colores
Acknowledgement and Signature
I understand that I am responsible for completing TDCD online sponsor training.
As a sponsor, I understand my responsibilities as noted above.
I acknowledge that my guest is a Christian who desires to grow in his/her relationship with Jesus Christ.
I have discussed with my guest about the watch/cell phone/electronic device policy.
Have you read the Acknowledgment above and agree to follow iit to the best of your ability?
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